The Compass Community gives you ongoing support for anxiety at an affordable price

 The Compass Community is a membership for people who experience anxiety at work (or in a similarly productive situation, such as study or completing a large project), and who feel held back in their progress or satisfaction as a result.

Join The Compass Community as a founding member

Why is this needed?
What about my workplace EAP (employee assistance programme)?

Mental health services are stretched, expensive, and hard to access, which leaves thousands without support. If you've had counselling but can't afford regular sessions, or relied on workplace EAP sessions, you may still lack necessary ongoing support.

Challenges like finding the right fit and implementing advice often persist. And while interventions help, they often have limitations, such as funding running out, leaving individuals seeking ongoing support but struggling to find or afford it.

I'm ready!

That’s why I created The Compass Community - a division of The Anxiety Compass

I created The Anxiety Compass and The Compass Community to address the urgent need for targeted workplace anxiety support. Workplaces present unique challenges, requiring a distinct approach to managing anxiety related to performance, guilt, and embarrassment. Many individuals feel trapped in a cycle of anxiety, impacting both professional and personal lives. The Compass Community provides a roadmap and support to break free from this cycle, offering guidance for a more fulfilling daily experience. With the right support, better days are ahead!

When you’re stuck in the cycle of feeling anxious, which affects your job performance, making you more anxious, which further affects your job performance, making you even more anxious still... it can feel impossible to find enjoyment in your work, let alone thriving or feeling fulfilled by it.

The Compass Community provides your roadmap and support crew for breaking out of the anxious state you’ve found yourself in, and developing your own unique pathway to a better daily experience. What a relief! There are better days ahead, my friend; You just need support to help you find them.

Sign me up

This is for you if:

  • You are tired of being limited by anxiety and quick-fix approaches; you’re ready to make some lifestyle and mindset changes
  • You have some ideas about what you need to do, but you struggle to actually DO them
  • You feel misunderstood by those around you and crave the support of others who understand your struggles
  • You are open to considering your own thoughts and behaviours from new perspectives
    You believe in ongoing learning, personal growth, and intentional lifestyle choices. You’re ready to do the work!
  • You’re generally able to function independently in life’s daily activities - it just feels so freakin’ hard with anxiety.

This is not for you if:

  • You need acute (urgent) intervention for anxiety or your mental health, or you are struggling with everyday self care and necessary life tasks - please see your GP or local acute mental health service in this case
  • You are not ready or willing to examine your own thoughts or behaviours from a new perspective
  • You have rigid beliefs about "right" and "wrong" ways to manage anxiety
  • You are unable to work respectfully with people of diverse backgrounds, identities and cultures
  • You are not open to being challenged (nicely!) on your own "stuff" which may be holding you back - you’re comfortable in a "victim" mindset
  • You are looking for a magic wand to save you.
Sign me up

What’s included in The Compass Community membership?


A different focus topic each month with practical strategies linked to workplace challenges


Monthly Zoom calls (with replay) discussing the focus topic and answering your questions


Monthly accountability / check in calls to see how you’re going, trouble-shoot if necessary, and cheer you on if you’re needing a boost


A growing catalogue of resources you can access as the membership progresses and unfolds


A supportive group of like-minded people who "get it" because they’re going through similar experiences to you
(you can remain anonymous in this group if you wish)


Resources and guidance to help you build your "toolbox" of personal strategies - this will help you cope with potential anxiety-inducing situations in the future


An optional bi-monthly book club
(non-fiction; possibly the occasional relevant fiction book if there is interest)


The opportunity to help shape and influence the direction of The Compass Community as a founding member - this is YOUR space and I’m here for your ideas on how to make it as useful and valuable as possible for you.

This is a no-pressure space where there is no expectation to have your camera on, speak up during calls, or be put on the spot. You can participate as actively or as "introverty" as you like - because if you’re not comfortable and feeling secure, you’re just not going to show up for yourself and do what it takes to break the grip of anxiety.

What’s the investment?


If you join before midnight on 29th February 2024, you’ll be a founding member of The Compass Community, which means you get to shape and influence the nature of the membership as it develops. How cool is that?!

The founding member price is $30 NZD per month, locked in for as long as you remain in the community. This price will never increase for you as a continuous member, although it will increase over time for new members.

Join now



"I found Donelle to be non-judgemental, and highly experienced and knowledgeable in her field.

Donelle has the ability to assist and support managers when tough decisions or options need to be made. Donelle was always approachable and I always felt valued by her. Donelle ensured that all aspects were taken into consideration, and was able to work with both myself and staff members to ensure that there was accountability from everyone."

— Maxine, Manager, Hamilton

 "Donelle has a very straightforward and sincere approach towards people.

She is sensitive, non-judgmental and very considerate of others. She is culturally sensitive and has a good understanding of issues relating to different cultural viewpoints. She has excellent listening skills and is able to express herself clearly and succinctly."

— Mike, Business owner, Wellington

"Donelle is the first person who's really helped me get back into work, and the gym...

the others made the goals too big or too hard and boring, I'd just give up... Donelle made it doable.  And she's really kind"

— Nic, Waikato

"Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear"

— George Addair

Starting on Thursday, February 29, 2024, we kick off with a Welcome call.
I promise - no uncomfortable icebreakers, no camera intros, no small group activities, and definitely no putting you on the spot.


The goal is your comfort, ensuring you feel at ease showing up without any dread!

So, Donelle - who are you to be banging on about anxiety, anyway?

I grew up in a super-anxious environment, unknowingly adopting anxious behavior patterns from those around me. Only much later did I recognise these patterns and realize they were dysfunctional, keeping me in a perpetual state of fight-or-flight.

Despite academic knowledge (I studied psychology and occupational therapy), it wasn't until a specific day at work when I became acutely aware that I was feeling anxious, that everything I'd learnt about anxiety came together with liberating clarity - it suddenly "clicked" for me.

This revelation transformed my perspective, freeing me from anxiety and inspiring me to help others navigate workplace anxiety.
Drawing on my 25 years of professional experience, I founded The Anxiety Compass, and now The Compass Community. This platform offers affordable, evidence-based resources curated by someone dedicated to improving the workplace experience for those who struggle with anxiety.

If you're weary of the daily struggle, constantly searching for solutions online, overwhelmed by conflicting information, and struggling to implement ideas, The Compass Community is tailored for you.

Say goodbye to confusion and endless Google searches, and welcome clear steps to identify strategies that suit your workplace and unique challenges.

Receive the support you need to take action and experience the rewards of a content nervous system.

Sign me up

The Compass Community Membership



What’s included in The Compass Community membership? 

  • A different focus topic each month
  • Practical strategies with support to implement them
  • Monthly Zoom calls (with replay) discussing the focus topic and answering your questions
  • Monthly accountability / check in calls to see how you’re going, trouble-shoot if necessary, and cheer you on if you’re needing a boost
  • A growing catalogue of resources you can access as the membership progresses and unfolds
  • and more..
Join Now

I invite you to join me in exploring the wider picture of anxiety and the simple (but not always easy) ways we can prevent it from taking a hold of our lives.

Anxiety doesn’t discriminate - it can affect anyone at any time. So don’t struggle on alone - come and join us in The Compass Community.


I can’t wait to welcome you on board!

Got questions?   email [email protected] or send me a DM on Instagram @theanxietycompass and I’ll be happy to assist.

A brighter future awaits x


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